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How to Increase the Average Order Size in Your Restaurant: Increasing Sales and Revenue

How to Increase the Average Order Size in Your Restaurant: Increasing Sales and Revenue

If you’re a restaurant owner or manager, then you know that increasing your order size is critical to increase revenue. But how do you go about doing that? It can be tricky, especially if you’re not sure what your customers want. In this blog post, we will share some ideas on how to increase the average order size in your restaurant! Keep reading to learn more!

Great food is the king

It goes without saying that the most important part of selling food is that the food itself is great. People will order more if they enjoy what they ordered.  Get feedback from customers and change recipes or ingredients accordingly, if needed.  Also, keep up with new trends in the industry to see what else you could be doing to make your food stand out.

Check operations

Make sure that your restaurant is running smoothly. This means having a well-organized front of the house and kitchen so that orders are prepared and served quickly and efficiently. 

By providing a great experience for your customers, they will be more likely to order more food and come back again in the future. A complete omnichannel POS solution will surely optimize the process. 

Make it personal

If you make an effort to get to know your customers, they’ll be more likely to trust you and take your suggestions. When you remember little details about them, it shows that you care and that you’re paying attention. This could be something as simple as remembering their order from last time or asking about their day. 

Encourage add-ons

One way to increase the  order size is to encourage customers to add on to their orders. This could be something as simple as suggesting they add a drink or an appetizer to their meal. You could also offer discounts for ordering multiple items. For example, you could offer a discount for ordering two main courses or for adding a dessert to their order.

Consider cross selling

Another way to increase the order size is by cross-selling. This is when you upsell complementary items with the main dish that the customer is ordering. For example, if someone orders a steak, you could suggest they order a side of vegetables or a salad as well.

Offer Bundles

Bundling items together is also an effective way to increase revenue. Customers will perceive more value in a bundle than in individual items, so they’ll be more likely to add it to their order.

Is your menu easy to understand?

Is your menu easy to understand? Is it easy to  navigate on your online ordering website? If customers can’t find what they’re looking for, they’re less likely to order anything at all. It’s also important to have visually appealing menus that highlight your bestsellers and most popular items. 

In addition, make sure that your menu is updated regularly. 

Make your online menu appealing

Nowadays, customers order food online, so it’s important to make sure that your menu is appealing for those customers. You can do this by adding photos of your food and making sure that the descriptions are enticing.

Make it easy to order

If you make it easy for customers to order, they’re more likely to do so. This means having a clear and concise menu that is easy to understand. It should also be easy to place an order, whether that’s online, over the phone, or in person. Make sure your staff is trained to upsell and suggest additional items to customers.

Run Specials or Promotions 

Consider running promotions or special offers that require customers to purchase a certain amount in order to receive a discount or freebie. For instance, you might offer a free appetizer with the purchase of two entrees.

Promote an item customers love

Another way to increase the average order size is by promoting specific menu items that are popular among your customers. If you have a dish that everyone loves, make sure to let your customers know about it! You can do this by featuring it on your menu or through marketing and advertising campaigns. Don’t forget to spread the word on social media such as Instagram, Facebook, TikTok and more!

Offer a loyalty program

You could also offer a loyalty program that give rewards for ordering frequently from your restaurant. This would incentivize customers to continue patronizing your business and increase the number of orders they place. Check out eHopper’s loyalty program which is included in our POS plan.

Create a sense of urgency

You could also create a sense of urgency by running limited time offers or discounts. This will encourage customers to order more while they can get a good deal. Don’t forget to include the end of promotion date in your marketing materials and your website. 

Adjust check size

You can also increase check sizes by adjusting your pricing. If you have lower priced items, consider raising them slightly. You may be surprised at how much of an impact a small price increase can have on order size.

Add modifiers to your POS system

Setup modifiers in your POS system in a way that assists your staff to offer an upsell. Run a modifier report to filter which employee brought in the most revenue. Offer a bonus to the employee of the month. This will increase the server’s motivation and sales.

These are just some ideas to increase the size of orders at your restaurant. By implementing these strategies, you’ll be on your way to increasing sales and revenue. Do you have any other tips? Share it on our eHopper Facebook page!

We also encourage you to test drive eHopper’s free point of sale system or schedule a free demo!

Thank you for reading!

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